Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ

September 15, 2021

Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ

When it comes to messaging systems in cloud computing, two names come to mind: Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ. Both are widely used and have different approaches to fulfilling similar functions. In this post, we'll take a look at both systems, the pros and cons of each, and see which one is better suited for your cloud consulting business.

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that was originally developed at LinkedIn. It's a publish-subscribe system in which messages are persisted on a distributed log and consumed by subscribers. Kafka is designed to handle massive amounts of data and processing real-time data feeds. It has fast throughput capabilities and a low storage footprint, making it an excellent choice for real-time data streaming, microservices architectures, and big data processing.

What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is another open-source message broker system that's been around for over a decade. It's built on the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and supports numerous messaging protocols like MQTT, STOMP, and HTTP. RabbitMQ is widely used for its easy configuration, flexibility, and reliability. It also allows for task-only consumption, robust message routing, and guaranteed delivery.

How do they work?

Apache Kafka uses a publish-subscribe pattern in which producers send messages to a topic, and consumers subscribe to these topics to receive messages. Kafka stores messages in a distributed log called a "topic," which is broken down into smaller partitions that can be replicated for fault tolerance. Consumers can read messages from any partition, and Kafka ensures that messages consumed are unique and well-ordered.

RabbitMQ works by storing messages in queues that can be configured to route messages to specific consumers. It follows the message queuing model in which producers send messages to a queue, and consumers receive messages from this queue. RabbitMQ allows for multiple consumers to consume messages from the same queue and supports exchange plugins, which allow for routing messages based on headers or other criteria.

Pros and Cons

Apache Kafka


  • High throughput capabilities
  • Scalability and fault tolerance
  • Low latency and high durability
  • Easier stream processing


  • Learning curve (complexity)
  • No built-in GUI
  • Higher resources required for deployment



  • Highly configurable
  • Easy to use and deploy
  • Supports numerous messaging protocols
  • Guaranteed message delivery


  • Relatively slower than Kafka
  • Latency issues with large queues
  • Limited cluster scalability

Which one Is Better?

When it comes to choosing between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ, there is no clear winner. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and the decision ultimately comes down to the cloud consultant and their specific business requirements.

Apache Kafka is more suited for use cases that require high throughput, low latency, and real-time data streaming. It's best for scenarios in which an organization must handle massive amounts of data and process it quickly.

On the other hand, RabbitMQ is an excellent choice if you need a system that is easy to deploy, highly configurable, and supports multiple queue protocols. It's best for scenarios in which an organization requires reliable message delivery and routing.

As with any technology, it's always a good idea to test both options and determine which one works better for your use case before making a decision.


In conclusion, both Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are great messaging systems for cloud consulting businesses. Understanding their differences, strengths, and weaknesses is crucial to determine which one is better suited for your needs. Whichever system you choose, it's important to ensure it aligns with your business use cases to maximize its benefits.


  1. Apache Kafka Documentation
  2. RabbitMQ Documentation

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